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2011-09-27 20:47:26
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Best Wiki Award, June 2005


We are the rulers of this mortal world. We, who have with stood the boundaries of time itself to bring everlasting power to the lands. We, are the Gods of Elfpack.

Welcome to the Gods Of Elfpack! Here is where you can find a list of the different, so called, gods of elfpack. If you would like to be one of the gods, and the thing you want to be the god of is not taken, please feel free to write down your selection at God Registration and i will inform you if you were approved or denied


Rule #1 No weird request such as "can I be the God Of Dog Food"

Rule #2 You cannot be the God of all Gods or the Goddesses of all Goddesses so please stop asking me. I am the king of the gods and I control everyone’s destiny here.

Rule #3 There can only be 1 god to each ability there cannot be a God of Ice and a Goddess of Ice it may cause a fight between the two and things could get ugly.

Rule #4 Look at the List Of Gods/List Of Gods II before you make your god selection. I hate always telling people that something is already taken, so make sure to look it up first!

Rule #5 Say whatever you want here, about anything you want I will not kick you out for it, but don’t insult or start fights with any of the members in this wiki unless they deserve it. if you want to be an asshole take it some were else.

Rule #6 Don't put any banners up or make any changes without asking me first.

Rule #7 If I don't like you. Get the hell out of here!

Concequence for breaking any of the rules is exile from the club.


All gods have been destroyed and striped of their powers I have wiped out all the olympions and we are starting over a new and stronger race will prevail.

~God Registration~
~List Of Gods/List Of Gods II~
~Gods Of Elfpack Temples~
~Gods Of Elfpack Banquet~
~Gods Of Elfpack Banners~
~Gods Of Elfpack Suggestions~
~Gods Of Elfpack Arena~
~Gods Of Elfpack Crew~

This wiki was created by [Ultra Hunger] on December 20th, 2004 
And then it was erased by [Ultra Hunger] and restarted clean slate on April 4th, 2007

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2005-08-29 [Shadowsoul]: sorry, but it is kinda a silly question, comparing to where i live

2005-08-29 [Undertow]: lol yeah, kinda

2005-08-29 [Homewrecker]: i dotn knwo where u live

2005-08-29 [Shadowsoul]: I live in Brisbane, Australia

2005-08-29 [Homewrecker]: cool u live anywhere near the beach?

2005-08-29 [Shadowsoul]: yep, about 1/2 an hour away, so it's not far

2005-08-29 [Undertow]: that's cool

2005-08-29 [Homewrecker]: i love teh beach especially at sunset

2005-08-29 [Undertow]: i lived in florida for 3's not all it's cracked up to be..theres ALOT of rednecks there

2005-08-29 [Homewrecker]: hmm i didnt think florida had rednecks

2005-08-29 [Undertow]: trust me, theres alot... rednecks and cubans outnumber everything else

2005-08-29 [Undertow]: no offense on cuba ppl though they're pretty cool

2005-08-29 [iCh3wi]: but from what u said it didnt sound like tyhey are.

2005-08-29 [Homewrecker]: *blinks*

2005-08-29 [Undertow]: well i corrected myself, i had quite a few cuban freinds down there

2005-08-29 [Homewrecker]: kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

2005-08-29 [Undertow]: it's just the rednecks down there i don't like, poor bastards only listen to country and rap.someone needs to educate them that better rock music exists outside of skynard, the doobie brothers, and GN'R

2005-08-29 [iCh3wi]: "because you kill me, you know you do you kill me well, you fucking do and i can tell, you never stop until, my final breath is gone....."

2005-08-29 [Homewrecker]: u dont liek guns and roses?

2005-08-29 [Undertow]: nope, hate em' with a serious passion

2005-08-29 [Homewrecker]: i love em so much

2005-08-30 [iCh3wi]: They are ok. ACDC, The Eagles, Machine Head, Pink Floyd, Jimi Hendrix, and Bob Marley.

2005-08-30 [Homewrecker]: hmm jimi himdrix

2005-08-30 [Undertow]: acdc, the eagles and machine head are okay..well some of machine head stuff is..but i dont' care for the others too much

2005-08-30 [death how i long to embrace you]: you dont like jimi?

2005-08-30 [Homewrecker]: *exuse me while is kiss the sky!*

2005-08-30 [death how i long to embrace you]: kiss away

2005-08-30 [Shadowsoul]: *laughs*

2005-08-30 [death how i long to embrace you]: ello

2005-08-30 [Shadowsoul]: hello *smiles*

2005-08-30 [death how i long to embrace you]: whats up?

2005-08-30 [Undertow]: nope i don't, i repsect him as a guitar genious, i just don't care for any of his songs

2005-08-30 [death how i long to embrace you]: well that is cool that you at least repsect him

2005-08-30 [Undertow]: yeah...there's alot of artists i'm liek that will...him...dime-bag darrel, slash, etc.

2005-08-30 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: olah! long time no see people

2005-08-30 [death how i long to embrace you]: yes thats cool

2005-08-30 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: olah! long time no see people

2005-08-30 [Undertow]: hello there

2005-08-30 [death how i long to embrace you]: ello as well

2005-08-30 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hello back to yall!

2005-08-30 [Undertow]: someones in a good mood lol

2005-08-30 [death how i long to embrace you]: yes it seems like that

2005-08-30 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..which is very remarkable for me at the

2005-08-30 [death how i long to embrace you]: well thats a good thing that you are in a good mood

2005-08-30 [Undertow]: umm okay

2005-08-30 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: yeah so how is everyone?

2005-08-30 [death how i long to embrace you]: so so

2005-08-30 [Shadowsoul]: i'm in a good mood

2005-08-30 [death how i long to embrace you]: that is good

2005-08-30 [Undertow]: yep i'm good

2005-08-30 [Undertow]: huh?

2005-08-30 [death how i long to embrace you]: im not sure *mumbles to self*

2005-08-30 [Undertow]: alrighty then

2005-08-31 [Shadowsoul]: meh

2005-08-31 [Undertow]: anyone else bored out of thier skull?

2005-08-31 [Ultra Hunger]: Right here dude

2005-08-31 [Shatureel]: Hiya any body home.

2005-08-31 [Homewrecker]: nope its empty

2005-08-31 [Shadowsoul]: yeah

2005-08-31 [Homewrecker]: lol

2005-08-31 [Undertow]: i

2005-09-01 [Shatureel]: ok lets try this again, hello

2005-09-01 [Serena]: umm hi?

2005-09-01 [Shatureel]: Hi

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: hello

2005-09-01 [Homewrecker]: hola

2005-09-01 [Ultra Hunger]: 10 more dyas till the aniversary of 9/11 we should all exchange gifts on that day

2005-09-01 [Ultra Hunger]: your probably saying thats mean 9/11 is a sad day. well I look at it this way. serves people right for hating.

2005-09-01 [Homewrecker]: i think the government is stupid for letting it happen in the first place

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: Its not only the governments fault, it's America's fault as well. Everyone knows that before 9/11, the airplane security wasn't good at all, and people were always saying that it wouldnt be hard for someone to hijack a plane. And even with the threats before hand, the government and airline companies didnt do anything to waste money. Well, it sure as hell came back and bit them in the ass,.

2005-09-01 [Homewrecker]: i agree it is everyones fault

2005-09-01 [Ultra Hunger]: the world is going to be comming to an end soon.

2005-09-01 [Ultra Hunger]: we are killing eachother off as we speak.

2005-09-01 [Ultra Hunger]: Fucking George Bush someone should assasinate him

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: Tis a sad thing. You know they are considering naming the War on Terrorism WWIII? I saw it today in the paper.

2005-09-01 [Homewrecker]: i have a question...............who here agrees with the war in iraq?

2005-09-01 [Shadowsoul]: I CERTAINLY DON'T

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: I live in China Spring (Crawford/Waco) it's hard being a liberal sometimes.

2005-09-01 [Ultra Hunger]: we have no buisness being in Iraq

2005-09-01 [Shadowsoul]: tell that to john howard

2005-09-01 [Ultra Hunger]: isn't it obvious that god is slowly killing us off? first the hurricanes then the tsunami then another hurricane. he should just get it over with and hit us with a metior

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: I don't agree with it, and for this reason: If they had weapons of mass destruction, then where the fuck are they? Seriously, we had no set in stone proof they had weapons. And you know what, it is a fact, Gas would only be a $1.70 if we hadn't gone to war.

2005-09-01 [Homewrecker]: who is john howard...i think bush is an idiot

2005-09-01 [Ultra Hunger]: I fucking paid $3.22 american dollars for fucking gas today 

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: And the Middle East already had enough trouble, and Bush thought "Hey! Lets be all macho and go start shit over there." Afghanistan, was ok. Iraq, big mistake.

2005-09-01 [Shadowsoul]: John howard is the primeminister of australia, he's one of bushs' puppets

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: In my home town in Berkely Springs, West Virginia (Pop. 100) gas is $5.49. If you think I am lying, then go shove a 2X4 up your ass.

2005-09-01 [Ultra Hunger]: someone needs to hurry up and assasinate George Bush, true he will probably spend life in prison or even execution. but he will be taking one for the team

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: John Howard and Tony Blair can go have an Orgy with Laura and George for all I care. The new presidfent of Spain knew what he was doing when he withdrew his countries troops. And I dont care what people say, France was smart to stay out of the war.

2005-09-01 [Ultra Hunger]: I believe you I herd gas was $5.75 down south

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: And as for Ireland staying out of it, GO IRISH!

2005-09-01 [Shadowsoul]: it's $1.18 here

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: Not yet Man Cans, it's still $2.79 right now here in Texas, but tonight it will jump 30 cents.

2005-09-01 [Ultra Hunger]: they know this war is completly pointless thats why.

2005-09-01 [Shadowsoul]: Go france for pulling out

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: Yes, but isn't that in Australian currency Shadow?

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: France never went, they objected to it. And for a while everyone was like "Stupid French Fries" now look whos talking? Dumb ass Republicans

2005-09-01 [Shadowsoul]: yeah. That's australian currency

2005-09-01 [Ultra Hunger]: I put 5 bucks in my tank for 3.09 around 7:15am I figured what the fuck I'll put another 15 in aropund 4pm gas jumped 13 cents within 9 hours

2005-09-01 [Undertow]: honestly, theres a wiki for this..go bitch about it there and it jumped from 2.69 here in plano up to 3.10 at some stores soley for the reason that it's a holiday weekend and that they think gouging people is a good idea..fucking bastards

2005-09-01 [Homewrecker]: my whole family is strict reublican imbeciles

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: A barrel of oil will hit $70 tonight. Highest price/barrel ever recorded. In France, once you convert to American currency; it's a reported $6.79 a gallon (or litre).

2005-09-01 [Ultra Hunger]: ummm this is my wiki and i'll bitch about it wherever ythe fuck I want

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: You know what Jared, you can just shut the hell up. It's a free speaking country here and we cans ay what we want where we want. If I wanna say that I want Bush dead then guess what? I will. I WANT BUCH DEAD!

2005-09-01 [Undertow]: 70 tonight???? what news are you reading last months? it hit that a few weeks ago and i am a republican but i don't believe in alot of the stupid shit that big buiness has been doing lately honestly i think they should reopen a bunch of the oil rigs in the US and start using that oil instead of depending on those gold plated camel jockey's

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: Thats what I was thinking Man Cans, but I wanted to let you represent yourself.

2005-09-01 [Undertow]: ..i was being sarcastic about that you morons..but what i just said b4 isn't being sarcasm

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: God Damn now you are slow on the news, and no I just got that an hour ago. They cant pump any oil out of the Gulf of Mexico where the Rigs mainly are because of the Hurrican Katrina smart one.

2005-09-01 [Homewrecker]: jerod jsut shut up

2005-09-01 [Undertow]: dude...we have oil rigs ALL OVER THE STATES..not just in the gulf, the only company that affected was chevron b/c they owned all the rigs down me theres atleast 5 oil rigs in the waco area alone that got shut down

2005-09-01 [Homewrecker]: im so sad

2005-09-01 [Shadowsoul]: same here

2005-09-01 [Undertow]: FUNDERFUL!

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: Im talking about Coastal rigs you dumb ass, there's no fucking ocean coast in Waco, why the hell do you think I said Gulf of Mexico. Do your history, the Gulf of Mexico produces most of the Nations oil supply.'

2005-09-01 [Shadowsoul]: oi! our petrol was 72cents a litre two years ago

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: Funderful? Kid, you need help.

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: Hmmm........I think thats like $2.00 and something. I dont remember, I went to Australia 3 years ago, Im lost on the currency change.

2005-09-01 [Undertow]: no it doesn't, oil rigs in texas, nevada, california, and alaska produce all of the nations domestic oil...and domestic oil is only used in around 20 or 30% of the nations oil..the rest comes from the middle east...yes a part does come fromt he gulf, but no where near as much as you think

2005-09-01 [Homewrecker]: look homeboy i get the feeling that richard knows more about this shit than u

2005-09-01 [Shadowsoul]: oi! stop it

2005-09-01 [Homewrecker]: * digs shoe into the dirt*

2005-09-01 [Undertow]: ..nope doubt it i've done multiple research papers on this shit and am taking economics and have teachers that teach about this shit so i know alot more than he i have cousins that work in the oil industry managing oil refiniery's

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: OMG! I'm reading my fucking Homework right now and it says and I quote "The Gulf of Mexico porduces more than 25% of the nations oil supply." Do you even know how much 25% of the entire nations oil is?

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: And it just so happens to be Economics so just shut the hell up.

2005-09-01 [Undertow]: piss off i know where it comes from and your pretty boy reicher bullshit isn't going to tell you half of it b/c those bastards "protect" you guys from the evils of the i've got first hand ooff!

2005-09-01 [Homewrecker]: go richard go richard its ur birthday

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: ASSWHOLE! I dont go to Reicher fuktard. I went to Reicher in the 5th grade smart one!

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: And this Economics homework just happens to come from WACO HIGH! So go SHOVE IT!@

2005-09-01 [Undertow]: just be glad we aren't these people right now <img:>

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: Wow, aren't you smart.

2005-09-01 [Homewrecker]: lol undertow said "fack off"

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: He has typing Down Syndrome.

2005-09-01 [Undertow]: it's not something you moron's understand so don't even try to comprehend it, infact i'm prolly the only one here that knows what it is and what it means

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: If Bush remains president it will be us in that picture.

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: And you know what, arent you just special. I'll Fed-Ex you a cookie.

2005-09-01 [Undertow]: nah he's opening the nat. oil reserves to keep prices below an average of $3.20 a gallon..even though people in atlanta are already paying 5.00+ right now

2005-09-01 [Homewrecker]: lol we dont wanna knwo what fucked up language u are typing in czu u and ur little waco high cultist can shove it up the ass and keep it to urselves

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: HA! His mistake. Once the Reserves are gone, we will have the same problem we have now. He shouldnt even think about opening them, we need that incase of the homeland being attacked. Thats one of the dumbest things he could possibly do at a time like this.

2005-09-01 [Undertow]: please we've got a better school than you do... plus are people are 10x more mature than any reicher fag could dream of being

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: Dumb ass. I DONT go to Reicher, get it thru your ICP infested brain. I go to MCC/China Spring/Waco High and Marlin High. I take classes in different schools.


2005-09-01 [Undertow]: that's a bunch of fucking bullshit no one in waco high knows your ass and no one there's ever seen you, and if they did they'd kick your ass in a heartbeat, it's also AGAINST TEXAS LAW to go to more than one public or private school at a explain that one dip shit?

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: OMG! MCC-College Art Clases. Waco High-Theatre Sound Training and Light Training. Marlin-Art Aide, China Spring -Primary School. What now asswhole.

2005-09-01 [Homewrecker]: ummmmmmmmm i go to china spring and only china spring!!!!

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: I aint breaking a single damn law so you can go shove it. My school counselor set this program up for me, so yeah.

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: Thats because ur a Sophmore Jessi, Im a senior and am in training and teaching. Which reminds me I have to teach tomorrow for Art, damnit.

2005-09-01 [Undertow]: HAHAHAHAHAHA BULL SHIT! i have friends in EVERY theater tech class (closest thing to what your claiming to take) you are not enrolled at waco high and do not go are so full of shit it's not even funny! infact! i know people that would stop your ass flat just for being the little prick you are

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: I know I am not fuckin enrolled in Waco High dipshit so shove it, I never said I was, and who said anything about Tech Classes? Ever heard of One Act Play UIL? Look it up on the net, our UIL coordinator sends us to different schools to train their sound crews for Sounds and Light systems. This year One Act is at Lorena High for all 3 A and 4 A.

2005-09-01 [Homewrecker]: ummmmmmmmmmmmmm im confused ur bullshit is confusing me

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: So that means fvrom November till April I will be at Waco High, Marlin, China Spring, La Vega, Connaly, West, and Lorena.

2005-09-01 [Undertow]: well that doesn't mean you go to waco high now does it.because you made it sound like you did..and i know very well what UIL is i had to participate in it for auto tech and band

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: Good For You. Im glad you learned something.

2005-09-01 [Homewrecker]: i doubt it....

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: Same here. Im out, this is getting pathetic.

2005-09-01 [Undertow]: it's still impossible to be taking classes at multiple schools during the day and i dont' really care if you have any stupid little things to say after this b/c i'm not going to all

2005-09-01 [Homewrecker]: lol

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: Its Called "DUAL CREDIT"

2005-09-01 [Homewrecker]: lol and the fun begins

2005-09-01 [Undertow]: yeah jack-ass i'm taking three dual credit classes so i fucking know what they are, do not try to tell me something i already know...i may look like the stereotypical dumbass rocker that just assumes everything..well i'm not i know alot more than people like you actually do

2005-09-01 [Homewrecker]: about waht gynocologists?

2005-09-01 [Undertow]: yeah why not

2005-09-01 [Homewrecker]: lol im bored

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: If you knwe what Dual Credit classes are then why the hell did you say it's impossible for me to be at several schools at once?

2005-09-01 [Homewrecker]: czu hes an ignorant dickwipe

2005-09-01 [Undertow]: i know it's possible for students to go from waco high to TSTC or MCC for half a day b/c of dual credit classes but i've never heard of jumping between multiple highschools and all the BS your claiming to do

2005-09-01 [Homewrecker]: well u learn somethin new everyday

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: I only go to Marlin and Waco high if UIL Coordinators send me. MCC is Dual Credit smart ass.

2005-09-01 [Homewrecker]: *dances*

2005-09-01 [Undertow]: UIL hasn't ever had anything to say abotu what schools you can go to so i'm guessing you go to marlin or w/e and then you guys use w/e theater will let your asses in to practice with

2005-09-01 [Homewrecker]: liek the china spring perfroming arts center maybe?

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: URGH! How Idiot Proof fo I have to make things for you? When the UIL Hanchos send us to a school, it's for us to TRAIN THEIR ASSES FOR THE OTHER SCHOOLS!

2005-09-01 [Undertow]: idk i'm just using what i've gathered and what i know already about UIL rules and shit and am pretty sure that's how it works b/c we had people from other schools invading the theater b4, but it wasn't liek what he's claiming it's like, unless UIL went through a complete overhaul since last may

2005-09-01 [Cody '07]: " may look like the stereotypical dumbass rocker" i just thought u looked gay where'd u get this stuff from?

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: Well usually when you get a new COORDINATOR that happens.

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: Out of his ass Cody.

2005-09-01 [Cody '07]: No thats where the dildos r from

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: Nice.

2005-09-01 [Undertow]: why don't you go shove one up your ass cock fucker...and i dont' really care about the whole UIL thing i always though it was stupid and a big waste of time and money

2005-09-01 [Homewrecker]: so shut up and stop talking about it dick wipe

2005-09-01 [Undertow]: i was trying to stop talkign about it your idiot brother doesn't knwo when to drop shit and your neaderthal fucktard of a BF doesn't need to poke his stupid ass in where it's not needed

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: must be a blonde. None of this wouldnt have happened if you wouldnt have dragged ur ass in telling us to go bitch somewhere else.

2005-09-01 [Homewrecker]: he is kinda primitive isnt he? *daydreams about cody*

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: lol

2005-09-01 [Undertow]: ..yes actually i am partially blonde in a large spot on the left side of my i take that as a complement

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: ....................emo...............The Ataris.

2005-09-01 [Undertow]: mines natural..and the atari's aren't emo they're punk..get it right son

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: I didnt say they were emo dumb ass. <img:>

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: Trust me, if I was ur son I would slit my throat so i dont have to smell ur sorry ass everyday,

2005-09-01 [Homewrecker]: OMG ARE U OUR DADDY?!?!?

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: GOd I hope not.

2005-09-01 [Undertow]: ....and that's a really old map...and if i had kids liek you i'd ship your asses off to military school in a heartbeat and laugh at how fucking stupid you are..juts like i laugh now

2005-09-01 [Cody '07]: Undertow, I'm afraid my ass doesnt poke or get poked anywhere as your might but that is a subject u shouldnt give us details about

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: ..o....k..? umm.......pedifile

2005-09-01 [Homewrecker]: i hope u choke on George Bush's dick! and id rather go to military then have the knoledge in my head that i am related to u in any way shape or form!

2005-09-01 [iCh3wi]: lolol

2005-09-01 [Undertow]: ..that was..odd..and i REALLY don't care what you say b/c your a fuckign dumbass that's full of nothing but hot air..fuck i bet [FalseReality] could even kick your ass

2005-09-01 [Cody '07]: i used to go to school with him and i doubt that puss could lift his leg high enough to kick my ass

2005-09-01 [Homewrecker]: whoever that is probably could.....but i could beat u at yahtzee

2005-09-01 [Undertow]: please, all he'd have to do is poek you with a finger and you would fall like a rotten tree, your the big bulldog in the yard..all bark and no bite what so ever

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